Last Tuesday was my last first day of school, (provided I don't make good on my threats to my parents and get a PhD!) which is both exciting and super scary. It's so weird to see these new freshmen walking around campus for the first time and know that I'm six years of school ahead of them. That time has made me wiser, but I would still love to trade places and do it all over again. On one hand, I just turned 23 last week and feel a little old to be packing my lunch and my backpack every morning. But on the other hand, how weird will it be not to be walking across campus next fall?
No matter how many nostalgic memories of being a freshman come flooding back in the coming weeks, it's so exciting to have marked law school commencement on my calendar (May 8!!!). Adulthood seemed so far away six years ago when I first moved into my dorm room. Now I sit in my apartment and apply for post-grad jobs and worry about things like making sure I pay my bills on time and grocery shopping. It's weird and so so scary, but exciting at the same time.
As comforting as my security blanket backpack and lunchbox may be, it'll be time soon to give them up. It's so strange to realize that this time next year I'll be finding out whether or not I passed the bar and (hopefully) be working full time. No more summer break, but also no more homework. Like so many things in life, it will be a mix of the good, the bad, and the just plain new. But no matter how I feel about it, this year will probably fly by and pretty soon I'll be in a cap and gown. Scary, right? But also oh so exciting. No matter what happens, I'm excited for my last nine months of school and what the future holds for me after graduation.
This is me and my siblings on my first day of 5th grade. My brother was starting kindergarten and my sister was starting 3d grade. It's so weird to think that we'll all be graduating from one school or another in May! |
Have you already graduated from college or graduate school? Did you feel as weird as I do right now anticipating being a real adult and not going to school every day? I'm excited but still a little scared!